1991 the streettheatrefestival “BILDSTÖRUNG”(German for “interference”) electrified people in Detmold and interfered with Detmolds cityscape for the first time. Since 1992 the festival is being held in a bi-annual rhythm.
After the previous festival in 2022 the KulturTeam again challenges itself to create a festival for art in public space that covers and shows as much of the genres colours, facets and forms of expression as possible.
We are looking forward to the weekend of 17th May – 19th May 2024 with great artists, theatreproductions, performances, installations and an awesome audience, that is known to be curious and open for productions, that critically deal with topics around the individual and society.
ADHOK [FR] – “Qui-vive”
Benjamin Vandewalle [BE] – “Studio Cité”
Chloé Moglia/Rhizome [FR] – “La Spire”
Cie. Au Delà Du Bleu [FR] – “Lévitation”
Cie. Ex Nihilo [FR] – “L´Envers d´ici”
Cie. Nicanor de Elia [FR] – “Copyleft”
De Stijle, Want… [NL] – “Time Machine”
Die.f [BE] – “NIETS”
Electric Circus [NL] – “Headspace”
Eléctrico 28 [AT/ES] – “Full House”
Erik Kaiel [NL] – “No man is an island”
exoot [NL] – “AnimaltronieK” & “Radio Barkas”
Johannes Bellinkx [NL] – “Reverse”
katharinajej [DE] – “miteinander vertraut werden #urbanenatur”
Klangkosmos Weltmusik [TZ] – Tausi Taarab Orchester
Knot on Hands [NL] – “Brace for Impact”
Les Grooms [FR] – “La baronnade”
Marco Barotti [IT/DE] – “The Egg”
MAYBEFOREVER [FR] – “scond wind/second souffle/zweite luft”
Sauresani Theater [DE] – “Sauresani-Zirkus-Schule”
Sophia Bizer [DE] – “Das herbare Lapidarium”
stonekollektiv [DE] – “Deutschland. Ein Labermärchen”
Superhallo [NL] – “Knol D´Amour”
Theater Strahl [DE] – “Klasse Klasse”
Touki Delphine [NL] – “Firebird”
ASPHALT PILOTEN [CH] – “Silver Boom”
Angie Hiesl + Roland Kaiser Produktion [DE] – “ICH.!!!”
Cie. Au Delà Du Bleu [FR] – “L´ivresse d´une approche”
Cie. Dyptik [FR] – “Mirage”
Cie. Les Petits Délices [BE] – “Koffer für 2” & “Maritime”
Dakipaya Danza [FR] – “FIBRE”
Jana Korb [DE] – “HochZuhaus”
Jan Philip Scheibe [DE] – “Leid und Einsamkeit”
Klub Girko [DE] – “Human Time Tree Time”
Les filles du renard pâle [FR] – “Résiste”
LIGNA [DE] – “Klasse Kinder!” & “Zersteuung überall”
Marco Barotti [IT/DE] – “MOSS” & “SWANS”
Swaantje Güntzel [DE] – “Plastisphere”
theater monteuere [DE] – “krims krams”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR] – “Are you ready?”
Das letzte Kleinod [DE] – “Gesalzene Wassermelonen”
LIGNA [DE] – “Klasse Kinder!”
KinderKulturKarawane [SV] – “Asociación Tiempos Nuevos teatro TNT”
Compagnie Débordante [FR] – “Loin”
Jordi Galí/Arrangement Provisoire [FR] – “Maibaum”
Jean-Antoine Bigot/Cie. Ex Nihilo [FR] – “Derriére Le Blanc”
Angie Hiesl Produktion [DE] – “x-mal Stuhl”
Cie. Woest [NL] – “Lucky shots”
Cirque Inextremiste [FR] – “Exit”
Claudio Stellato [BE] – “La Cosa”
De Stijle, Want… [NL] – “Toni Ronaldoni”
Dynamogène [FR] – “Missed … again!”
Eléctrico 28 [AT/ES] – “Stellar Moments”
exoot [NL] – “Scubabianchi” & “velo-electro” & “Radio Barkas”
Joan Català [ES] – “Pelat”
KinderKulturKarawane [KH] – “Phare Ponleu Selpak”
Klangkosmos Weltmusik Peter Akwabi & Boda Boda [KE] – “Benga Blues”
Le G. Bistaki [FR] – “The Baina Trampa Fritz Fallen”
Marco Barotti [IT/DE] – “The Woodpecker”
Nofitstate & Motionhouse [GB] – “Block”
Oliver Grossetête [FR] – “Ephemeral buildings”
Peter Trabner [DE] – “Der Tod des Empedokles”
Quim Bigas Bassart [ES] – “Molar”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR] – “AHOI!”
Tony Clifton Circus [IT] – “Missione Roosevelt”
Veronika Tzekova [BG] – “Fooootballll”
Zirkus Morsa [FR] – “La Fin Demain”
ADHOK [FR] – “Das Nest” & “Der Flug”
Cie. Dyptik [FR] – “D-Construction”
15ft6 [BE] – “Dynamite & Poetry”
Arch8 Erik Kaiel [NL] – “Tetris”
Cía. Toti Toronell/Laitrum Teatre [ES] – “Micro Shakespeare”
Cie. Ex Nihilo [FR] – “IN-PARADISE”
Cie. Kumulus [FR] – “Naufrage”
Cie. Tout Est Son Contraire [FR9 – “René Renaît”
Circo Ripopolo [BE] – “Dopo Ripopolo”
De Stijle, Want … [NL] – “The Wild West”
exoot [NL] – “Ami 6”
Frank Bölter [DE] – “REFUGEEorigamiCAMP”
KompleX KapharnaüM [FR] – “Do not clean”
Pierre Sauvafeot [FR] – “Harmonic Fields”
Southpaw Dance Company [EB] – “Carousel”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR] – “Wir treffen uns im Paradies”
Tony Clifton Circus [IT] – “Spiderman is back in town” & “Rubbish Rabbit”
Cie. Willi Dorner [AT] – “Bodies in Urban Space”
South Paw Dance Company [GB] – “Faust”
ADHOK [FR] – “Échappées Belles”
Arch8 Erik Kaiel [NL] – “Murikamification”
Cie. Carabosse [FR] – “Les Installation de Feu”
Cie. Dakar & Lotte van den Berg [NL] – “Braakland”
Collectif Malunés [BE] – “Sens Dessus Dessous”
Delrevés [ES] – “Repite Conmigo” & “Guateque”
De Stijle, Want… [NL] – “Lunapark”
DYNAMOGéNE [FR] – “Monsieur Colbuto”
Georg Trabner [CH] – “Heinz Baut”
KinderKulturKarawane [MN] – “Huuhed Zaluuchuud”
Le G. Bistaki [FR] – “Cooperatzia, Le Chemin”
Los Galindos [ES] – “Maiurta”
Metalovoice [FR] – “feRtiles”
Murmuyo y Metrayeta [CL] – “Su-Seso Taladro”
Klangkosmos Weltmusik – Ndima [CF]
Pikz Palace [BE] – “Boucherie Bacul”
Radio Barkas [NL] – “Kalipofoon”
Senza Tempo [ES] – “Lazurd, Un Viaje A Través Del Agua”
Tanz OWL on Tour [DE] – “Supernova”
Teatro Só [DE/PL] – “Sómente”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR] – “OUT OF BOUNDS – GehSchichten eines Stadtteils”
Thomas Chaussebourg [FR] – “Ma Bête Noire”
Erik Kaiel [NL] – “O Snap”
Barbara Fuchs [DE] – “Kopffüssler”
Cia. Sebas [Es] – “acorde”
La Intrusa Danza [ES] – “Staff Fragmento”
Kumulus [FR] – “Silence encombrant (Betäubende Stille)”
Cie. DAAD [NL] – “La Cuisine Macabre” & “Le Salon de la Mort”
Delrevés [ES] – “Repite Conmigo” & “Guateque”
DYNAMOGéNE [FR] – “Le Petit catalogue”
Jo Bithume [FR] – “Far West 2037”
KompleXKapharnaüM [FR] – “Figures Libres 2012”
La Industrial Teatrera [ES] – “De Paso”
Mimbre [UK] – “Falling up”
Odd Enjinears [NL] – “Roedel”
Pierre Pilatte [BE] – “Perfect working order”
Ponten Pie [ES] – “Copacabana”
Prins Te Paard [NL] – “Vlucht”
The Primitives [BE] – “Timber”
exoot [NL] – “Radio Barkas”
TV Wartburg [NL] – “TV Wartburg”
Theater Gajes [NL] – “Agora Phobia”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR] – “Home”
Celso y Frana [ES] – “Here begins the story”
Circo Ripopolo [BE] – “Fazzoletto” & “A Rovescio”
Cie. Erectus [FR] – “La Fanfare Muette”
De Jongens [NL] – “Actionman!”
Delices DADA [FR] – “Rushs”
DYNAMOGèNE [FR] – “La Cymbalobylette”
Electric Circus [NL] – “Mono”
KinderKulturKarwane [KH] – “Phare Ponleu Selpak”
Mimbre [UK] – “Until now”
La Paranza Del Geco [IT] & Shademakers [DE] – “Carrus Navalis”
exoot [NL] – “Radio Barkas”
Senza Tempo [ES] – “A+, Cosas que nunca te conté”
Theaterlabor [DE] – “Honkadori – Play Dada”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR] – “Himmel in Sicht”
The Lunatics [NL] & Out of Hand [US] – “Hominid”
TUIG [NL] – “Schraapzucht”
Vibez [DE] – “Streets of Berlin”
The Golden Youth Club [ZA]
Shangilia Mtoto Wa Afrika [KE]
Shademakers [GB/DE]
The Lunatics [NL]
Shademakers [DE/GB] & The Lunatics [NL] – “Territoria X”
Kirkas Gaya [BL/IL] – “Daydreaming”
Teatr KTO [PL] – “Quixotage”
Les Goulus [FR] – “Les Horsemen”
Babok [NL] – “IGLO”
Plunge!Boom! [GB] – “The Vegetable Nannies” / “The Microscopic Animal Enthusiasts”
Le Snob [FR] & Ulik8 [DE] – “Glissssssssendo”
Théatre Rouge [FR] – “Avec Coeur”
Kamchàtka [ES]
Kumulus [FR] – “Itinéraire sans fond(s)”
Tango Sumo [FR] & Cie. Vendaval [ES] – “Les Noces de Trottoir”
Theatro del Silencio [FR/CL] – “Fragments de Paradis”
Theater Kreuz & Quer [DE] – “Frau Silberklang”
Karibuni [DE]
Theater Monteure [DE]
Theater Anu [DE] – “Lichtspuren”
Cie. Albédo [FR] – “Fool Foule”
Theater Gajes [NL] – “Alice in Wonderland”
The Lunatics [NL] – “Sputnik”
Theaterlabor im Tor 6 [DE] – “Airport”
Teatr Osmego Dnia [PL] – “The Time of Mothers”
Cie. Cacahuète [FR] – “Monsieur K and his Gang”
Cie. Baladeu´X [BE] – “Bal á Balles … Musette”
Cie. Provisoire [FR] – “Les Chiens Aboient”
Duo Kanal [DE] – “Strangers in the Night”
Nakupelle [NL] – “The Trap”
Slagman Producties [NL] – “Pop Up!”
Die Märchenbühne [DE] – “Das Kamel Karamell”
Carnage Productions [FR] – “G.I.G.N”
Cie. Colbok [FR] – “Le Chef d´oevre de Martin de Vos”
Compagnie D´Ailleurs [FR] – “Les Alchimistes”
Collectif du Bonheur Intérieur Brut [FR] – “Irgendwo außerhal der WElt”
Démons et Merveilles [FR] – “Les Petits silences”
DYNAMOGéNE [FR] – “Ouvert pour inventaire”
The Lunatics [NL] – “Eclipse”
Transsiteatteri Minimi [FI] – “Absolute Enjoyment”
Odd Enjinears [NL] – “Kletter, Touw, Tijd en Palen”
Teatre KTO [PL] – “Mazepa”
Teatro KA [PT] – “UroborU”
Walk the Plank [GB] – “S.W.A.L.K”
Oralapostel [DE]
Scharlatan Theater [DE]
Bedlam Oz [AU]
Theater Titanick [DE]
Wurre Wurre [BE]
Fanfare Le S.N. O.B. [FR]
Cie. Du Petit Mansieur [FR]
Teatr KTO [PL]
Sarruga [ES]
Transe Express [FR]
Les Tambours de Bronx [FR]
I Made Djimad [ID]
Circus Ethiopia [EZ]
Généric Vapeur [FR]
Crazy Idiots [GB/DE]
Die Löschbrigade [DE]
Cie. Jo Bithume [FR]
Grüß Gott Theater [DE]
Cie. Cacahuète [FR]
Poppe & Vermaerche [NL]
Sandimay [TR]
Sarruga [ES]
Tam Tam [NL]
Tender [NL]
The smallest theatre in the world [GB]
Shusaku & Dormu Dance Theatre [NL]
Henry can Zanten [NL]
Theater Schrikkel [NL]
Vis à Vis [NL]
Compagnia Teatro Paravento [IT]
Bernd Lafrenz [DE]
The smallest theatre in the world [GB]
The Original Shakespeare Company [GB]
Amlima [TG]
Derevo [RU]
Boulegom´Théatre [FR]
Dadagang [IT]
Licedei [RU]
Semola Teatre [ES]
Chairos Theater [DE]
Compagnie Pour Rire [BE]
Delices Dada [FR]
Ilotopie [FR]
Stalker Stilt Theatre [AU]
Wurre Wurre [BE]
British Events Theatre Company [GB]
Généric Vapeur [FR]
Chairos Theater [DE]
Geometrie Variable [FR]
1991 the streettheatrefestival “BILDSTÖRUNG”(German for “interference”) electrified people in Detmold and interfered with Detmolds cityscape for the first time. Since 1992 the festival is being held in a bi-annual rhythm.
After the previous festival in 2022 the KulturTeam again challenges itself to create a festival for art in public space that covers and shows as much of the genres colours, facets and forms of expression as possible.
We are looking forward to the weekend of 17th May – 19th May 2024 with great artists, theatreproductions, performances, installations and an awesome audience, that is known to be curious and open for productions, that critically deal with topics around the individual and society.
Benjamin Vandewalle [BE]
“Studio Cité”
Chloé Moglia/Rhizome [FR]
“La Spire”
Cie. Au Delà Du Bleu [FR]
Cie. Ex Nihilo [FR]
“L´Envers d´ici”
Cie. Nicanor de Elia [FR]
De Stijle, Want… [NL]
“Time Machine”
Die.f [BE]
Electric Circus [NL]
Eléctrico 28 [AT/ES]
“Full House”
Erik Kaiel [NL]
“No man is an island”
exoot [NL]
“AnimaltronieK” & “Radio Barkas”
Johannes Bellinkx [NL]
katharinajej [DE]
“miteinander vertraut werden #urbanenatur”
Klangkosmos Weltmusik [TZ]
Tausi Taarab Orchester
Knot on Hands [NL]
“Brace for Impact”
Les Grooms [FR]
“La baronnade”
Marco Barotti [IT/DE]
“The Egg”
“scond wind/second souffle/zweite luft”
Sauresani Theater [DE]
Sophia Bizer [DE]
“Das herbare Lapidarium”
stonekollektiv [DE]
“Deutschland. Ein Labermärchen”
Superhallo [NL]
“Knol D´Amour”
Theater Strahl [DE]
“Klasse Klasse”
Touki Delphine [NL]
“Silver Boom”
Angie Hiesl + Roland Kaiser Produktion [DE]
Cie. Au Delà Du Bleu [FR]
“L´ivresse d´une approche”
Cie. Dyptik [FR]
Cie. Les Petits Délices [BE]
“Koffer für 2” & “Maritime”
Dakipaya Danza [FR]
Jana Korb [DE]
Jan Philip Scheibe [DE]
“Leid und Einsamkeit”
Klub Girko [DE]
“Human Time Tree Time”
Les filles du renard pâle [FR]
“Klasse Kinder!” & “Zersteuung überall”
Marco Barotti [IT/DE]
Swaantje Güntzel [DE]
theater monteuere [DE]
“krims krams”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR]
“Are you ready?”
Das letzte Kleinod [DE]
“Gesalzene Wassermelonen”
“Klasse Kinder!”
KinderKulturKarawane [SV]
“Asociación Tiempos Nuevos teatro TNT”
Compagnie Débordante [FR]
Jordi Galí/Arrangement Provisoire [FR]
Jean-Antoine Bigot/Cie. Ex Nihilo [FR]
“Derriére Le Blanc”
Angie Hiesl Produktion [DE]
“x-mal Stuhl”
Cie. Woest [NL] -”
Lucky shots”
Cirque Inextremiste [FR]
Claudio Stellato [BE]
“La Cosa”
De Stijle, Want… [NL]
“Toni Ronaldoni”
Dynamogène [FR]
“Missed … again!”
Eléctrico 28 [AT/ES]
“Stellar Moments”
exoot [NL]
“Scubabianchi” & “velo-electro” & “Radio Barkas”
Joan Català [ES]
KinderKulturKarawane [KH]
“Phare Ponleu Selpak”
Klangkosmos Weltmusik Peter Akwabi & Boda Boda [KE]
“Benga Blues”
Le G. Bistaki [FR]
“The Baina Trampa Fritz Fallen”
Marco Barotti [IT/DE]
“The Woodpecker”
Nofitstate & Motionhouse [GB]
Oliver Grossetête [FR]
“Ephemeral buildings”
Peter Trabner [DE]
“Der Tod des Empedokles”
Quim Bigas Bassart [ES]
TheatreFragile [DE/FR]
Tony Clifton Circus [IT]
“Missione Roosevelt”
Veronika Tzekova [BG]
Zirkus Morsa [FR]
“La Fin Demain”
“Das Nest” & “Der Flug”
Cie. Dyptik [FR]
15ft6 [BE]
“Dynamite & Poetry”
Arch8 Erik Kaiel [NL]
Cía. Toti Toronell/Laitrum Teatre [ES]
“Micro Shakespeare”
Cie. Ex Nihilo [FR]
Cie. Kumulus [FR]
Cie. Tout Est Son Contraire [FR]
“René Renaît”
Circo Ripopolo [BE]
“Dopo Ripopolo”
De Stijle, Want … [NL]
“The Wild West”
exoot [NL]
“Ami 6”
Frank Bölter [DE]
KompleX KapharnaüM [FR]
“Do not clean”
Pierre Sauvafeot [FR]
“Harmonic Fields”
Southpaw Dance Company [EB]
TheatreFragile [DE/FR]
“Wir treffen uns im Paradies”
Tony Clifton Circus [IT]
“Spiderman is back in town” & “Rubbish Rabbit”
Cie. Willi Dorner [AT]
“Bodies in Urban Space”
South Paw Dance Company [GB]
“Tape Riot”
“Échappées Belles”
Arch8 Erik Kaiel [NL]
Cie. Carabosse [FR]
“Les Installation de Feu”
Cie. Dakar & Lotte van den Berg [NL]
Collectif Malunés [BE]
“Sens Dessus Dessous”
Delrevés [ES]
“Repite Conmigo” & “Guateque”
De Stijle, Want… [NL]
“Monsieur Colbuto”
Georg Trabner [CH]
“Heinz Baut”
KinderKulturKarawane [MN]
“Huuhed Zaluuchuud”
Le G. Bistaki [FR]
“Cooperatzia, Le Chemin”
Los Galindos [ES]
Metalovoice [FR]
Murmuyo y Metrayeta [CL]
“Su-Seso Taladro”
Klangkosmos Weltmusik
Ndima [CF]
Pikz Palace [BE]
“Boucherie Bacul”
Radio Barkas [NL]
Senza Tempo [ES]
“Lazurd, Un Viaje A Través Del Agua”
Tanz OWL on Tour [DE]
Teatro Só [DE/PL]
TheatreFragile [DE/FR]
“OUT OF BOUNDS – GehSchichten eines Stadtteils”
Thomas Chaussebourg [FR]
“Ma Bête Noire”
Erik Kaiel [NL]
“O Snap”
Barbara Fuchs [DE]
Cia. Sebas [Es]
La Intrusa Danza [ES]
“Staff Fragmento”
Kumulus [FR]
“Silence encombrant (Betäubende Stille)”
Cie. DAAD [NL]
“La Cuisine Macabre” & “Le Salon de la Mort”
Delrevés [ES]
“Repite Conmigo” & “Guateque”
“Le Petit catalogue”
Jo Bithume [FR]
“Far West 2037”
KompleXKapharnaüM [FR]
“Figures Libres 2012”
La Industrial Teatrera [ES]
“De Paso”
Mimbre [UK]
“Falling up”
Odd Enjinears [NL]
Pierre Pilatte [BE]
“Perfect working order”
Ponten Pie [ES]
Prins Te Paard [NL]
The Primitives [BE]
exoot [NL]
“Radio Barkas”
TV Wartburg [NL]
“TV Wartburg”
Theater Gajes [NL]
“Agora Phobia”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR]
Celso y Frana [ES]
“Here begins the story”
Circo Ripopolo [BE]
“Fazzoletto” & “A Rovescio”
Cie. Erectus [FR]
“La Fanfare Muette”
De Jongens [NL]
Delices DADA [FR]
“La Cymbalobylette”
Electric Circus [NL]
KinderKulturKarwane [KH]
“Phare Ponleu Selpak”
Mimbre [UK]
“Until now”
La Paranza Del Geco [IT] & Shademakers [DE]
“Carrus Navalis”
exoot [NL]
“Radio Barkas”
Senza Tempo [ES]
“A+, Cosas que nunca te conté”
Theaterlabor [DE]
“Honkadori – Play Dada”
TheatreFragile [DE/FR]
“Himmel in Sicht”
The Lunatics [NL] & Out of Hand [US]
Vibez [DE]
“Streets of Berlin”
The Golden Youth Club [ZA]
Shangilia Mtoto Wa Afrika [KE]
Shademakers [GB/DE]
The Lunatics [NL]
Shademakers [DE/GB] & The Lunatics [NL]
“Territoria X”
Kirkas Gaya [BL/IL]
Teatr KTO [PL]
Les Goulus [FR]
“Les Horsemen”
Babok [NL]
Plunge!Boom! [GB]
“The Vegetable Nannies” / “The Microscopic Animal Enthusiasts”
Le Snob [FR] & Ulik8 [DE]
Théatre Rouge [FR]
“Avec Coeur”
Kamchàtka [ES]
Kumulus [FR]
“Itinéraire sans fond(s)”
Tango Sumo [FR] & Cie. Vendaval [ES]
“Les Noces de Trottoir”
Theatro del Silencio [FR/CL]
“Fragments de Paradis”
Theater Kreuz & Quer [DE]
“Frau Silberklang”
Karibuni [DE]
Theater Monteure [DE]
Theater Anu [DE]
Cie. Albédo [FR]
“Fool Foule”
Theater Gajes [NL]
“Alice in Wonderland”
The Lunatics [NL]
Theaterlabor im Tor 6 [DE]
Teatr Osmego Dnia [PL]
“The Time of Mothers”
Cie. Cacahuète [FR]
“Monsieur K and his Gang”
Cie. Baladeu´X [BE]
“Bal á Balles … Musette”
Cie. Provisoire [FR]
“Les Chiens Aboient”
Duo Kanal [DE]
“Strangers in the Night”
Nakupelle [NL]
“The Trap”
Slagman Producties [NL]
“Pop Up!”
Die Märchenbühne [DE]
“Das Kamel Karamell”
Carnage Productions [FR]
Cie. Colbok [FR]
“Le Chef d´oevre de Martin de Vos”
Compagnie D´Ailleurs [FR]
“Les Alchimistes”
Collectif du Bonheur Intérieur Brut [FR]
“Irgendwo außerhalb der Welt”
Démons et Merveilles [FR]
“Les Petits silences”
“Ouvert pour inventaire”
The Lunatics [NL]
Transsiteatteri Minimi [FI]
“Absolute Enjoyment”
Odd Enjinears [NL]
“Kletter, Touw, Tijd en Palen”
Teatre KTO [PL]
Teatro KA [PT]
Walk the Plank [GB]
Oralapostel [DE]
Scharlatan Theater [DE]
Bedlam Oz [AU]
Theater Titanick [DE]
Wurre Wurre [BE]
Fanfare Le S.N. O.B. [FR]
Cie. Du Petit Mansieur [FR]
Teatr KTO [PL]
Sarruga [ES]
Transe Express [FR]
Les Tambours de Bronx [FR]
I Made Djimad [ID]
Circus Ethiopia [EZ]
Généric Vapeur [FR]
Crazy Idiots [GB/DE]
Die Löschbrigade [DE]
Cie. Jo Bithume [FR]
Grüß Gott Theater [DE]
Cie. Cacahuète [FR]
Poppe & Vermaerche [NL]
Sandimay [TR]
Sarruga [ES]
Tam Tam [NL]
Tender [NL]
The smallest theatre in the world [GB]
Shusaku & Dormu Dance Theatre [NL]
Henry can Zanten [NL]
Theater Schrikkel [NL]
Vis à Vis [NL]
Compagnia Teatro Paravento [IT]
Bernd Lafrenz [DE]
The smallest theatre in the world [GB]
The Original Shakespeare Company [GB]
Amlima [TG]
Derevo [RU]
Boulegom´Théatre [FR]
Dadagang [IT]
Licedei [RU]
Semola Teatre [ES]
Chairos Theater [DE]
Compagnie Pour Rire [BE]
Delices Dada [FR]
Ilotopie [FR]
Stalker Stilt Theatre [AU]
Wurre Wurre [BE]
British Events Theatre Company [GB]
Généric Vapeur [FR]
Chairos Theater [DE]
Geometrie Variable [FR]