Here you can download the performances media and text, aswell as BILDSTÖRUNG logos, graphics and press releases.
We kindly want to remember you to follow the license rules and add a foot note when publishing the photos by adding the photographers name when indicated.
Note: According to the rights of use, the photos and files may only be used for reporting on this event.
If you are visiting the festival as a press representative, we would kindly ask you to register here: press-registration
For further enquiries please contact:
Colya Goh
+49 5231 977-920
Here you can download the performances media and text, aswell as BILDSTÖRUNG logos, graphics and press releases.
We kindly want to remember you to follow the license rules and add a foot note when publishing the photos by adding the photographers name when indicated.
Note: According to the rights of use, the photos and files may only be used for reporting on this event.
If you are visiting the festival as a press representative, we would kindly ask you to register here: press-registration
For further enquiries please contact:
Colya Goh
+49 5231 977-920